Thursday, August 18, 2011

the first few days

It's been awhile since I've had a young'un. You wouldn't know that she had been spayed the day before I picked her up. She came into the house and almost immediately decided she needed to redecorate by picking up the throw rugs and carrying them into the living room. The first night was bad, she was having a really hard time figuring out how to settle down but she's been OK at night since. She's not a big eater, some meals she finishes and others she'll eat a little and walk away. It took her a couple of days to realize she needed to go outside to do her business, but she hasn't done that inside for a couple of days either so it seems she has figured that out. She picks up the strangest things, her food bowl, a glass custard cup, clothes. She ate the strap off a hat and pulled a noisemaker out of a stuffie that had been thru about 6 dogs. Treats were thrown at the 2 resident hounds who caught them, she watched that and when she was tossed her treat she caught it first try. She's catches on really quick to things. She's a talker and seems to be very happy so far.